Children normally receive Confirmation in the eight grade as part of the Faith Formation programs of the Parish. This can be done through Religious Education or the Parish School.
Children begin Religious Education in the 1st Grade and continue through the 8th Grade (7-14 years old). Religious Education classes for 1st - 8th Grade are held on Tuesday from 3:45-5:15 PM in the School Building.
RCIA Teens (Age 14-18) that need to receive any of the Sacraments must attend the catechumen program. See calendar for meeting dates in the School Conference Room. Candidates receive the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Please call the Parish Office to register for this program.
For more information for Religious Education contact
Maria Giura, D.R.E.
For more information for St. Patrick's School contact
Rosaria Borrometi, School Secretary
For more information for RCIA contact
Deborah Brochin, RCIA Moderator