PARISH RENEWAL We will be having Faith Sharing Discussion Groups taking place in homes around the parish. Below are the names and areas of the discussion leaders, as well as the times that they will be meeting. Meetings will take place for 8 weeks starting at the end of September and continuing till before Thanksgiving. The book, “Re-Discovering Jesus,” will serve as the springboard for discussion. We hope that you will consider joining one of the groups. Call the Parish Office to register. Tuesdays-10:00am Deidre Haddad, Richmondtown & 7:30pm Tara Kelly & Cindy Brosnahan,Richmondtown Wednesdays-7:00pm Lisa Russo, Richmondtown; 7:00pm James & Alexandra Young, Great Kills; 7:00pm Geralyn Whalen, Eltingville & 7:30pm Terry Pane, Annadale Thursdays-7:00pm Roni Petersen, Tottenville & 7:30pm Vin & Susan DeSantis, Great Kills
Life Line Screening go beyond regular checkups to look inside your arteries for signs of plaque build-up. All 5 Screenings for $139. Will be in the neighborhood at the Knights of Columbus Columbian Hall on the corner of St. Patrick's Place and Clarke Avenue